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(: Taraweeh :)

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Every year in the month of Ramadan Muslim's from around the world try to ask forgiveness from the all might Allah because in the month of Ramadan doing good deeds are easier  . To make Islam more easy Allah "Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala" has rewarded Muslims with this month . The month of blessing contains many gifts among them are Taraweeh .


Image result for history* According to many scholars the tradition of Taraweeh started at time of holy prophet . He prayed some extra prayers in Ramadan (qiyam ul layl) But in the fear of it being mandated for the Muslims He missed once
* But some say that in the last year of Prophet’s life (11 year after hijrat ), He came out one night and prayed Taraweeh. On that night, some people prayed with him . the next day the word spread and more and more people came . but one day the prophet skipped the Taraweeh and said : Nothing prevented me from coming out to you except the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you. (Muslim) .
Later during the time of Hazrat Omar Bin Khattab's khilafat people using to pray Taraweeh individually or in small groups. so Hazrat Umer gathered every one behind one imam and pray 8 Rak`at . Eventually for the ease they were extended to 20 Rak`at .

  What Does The Word Means :]

The Arabia word  Taraweeh comes for the word rauh or raha which basically means rest and in taraweh prayer we take break after every 4 rak`at's and to separate them from the other prayer it was named Taraweeh 

Image result for taraweehBenefits of taraweeh :}

* Abu Hurairah reports that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: "Whoever prays during the nights of Ramadan [tarawih] with a firm belief and hoping for reward, all of his previous sins would be forgiven."
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, Whoever prays qiyam with the imam until he finishes, Allah will record for him the qiyam of a (whole) night. (An-Nasa’i and authenticated by Al-Albani)
and we got to hear the whole Quran  


* 8 rak`at + 3 witr = Majority of hadith scholars:
* 20 rak`t + 3 witr = Imam Ahmad, Imam Abu Hanifah and Imam Ash-Shafi`i
* 36 rak`at + 3 witr = Imam Malik
*Well the holy prophet didn't assign the number of rak`at's someone ask the Holy Prophet about the number of Rak`at's the prophet replied : Prayers at night are offered in two followed by two. Then, if you fear dawn will come, pray witr with one.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)

Reference :|

* Google image 

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